Friday, 9 October 2009

Singapore 09 National BikeTrial Championship - Round 3

It has been a while since I updated this blog. I have not been going hashing with the geeks for a long time now. The main reason is that I have been concentrating on BikeTrial and training a lot.

Learning is slow and requires a lot of focus... LOL. Most of my blog updates are focused on BikeTrials and I keep track of my progress at the other blog... Heheh. Anyway, recently I went to Singapore for a BikeTrial competition and here is a brief report.

The Round 3 of the Singapore 2009 National BikeTrial Championship was held in Bukit Batok Town Park on Oct 4th. I was there to capture the event on photos and videos.

For this round, a couple of things stand out and affected the overall competition; the format and the sections layout.

View Photo Album here.

Results and Full report on BikeTrials and a Fistful of Blisters.

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